  • Welcome to PG Projects! We're a technical creative company that wants to make the world a better place.

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  • We work with the latest technologies to help create immersive and innovative experiences that people can connect with.

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  • Take a look at our mission or contact us to discuss how we can help you.

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Our Mission.

PG Projects was created to develop new and unique experiences that will hopefully help make the world a better place. Whether it's bringing civics experiences alive via Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality or it's working with world class, well-known producers to develop new types of shows to bring innovative products to life,
We want to do it.

Our Services.

The team members of PG Projects have a long history in R&D with new and emerging technologies and combining them with media and entertainment companies to develop experiences. We work with everything from Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Theme Parks, and more. Our team of experienced creatives and developers have worked with companies like Google, Disney, Hasbro, NBC, and more.

VR/AR/Mixed Reality


Online Worlds

Branded Entertainment

Hardware/Software Integrations

Thought Mentoring

Who We Are.

We're a group of professional technologists, media professionals, entertainers, and out-of-the-box thinkers. We pride ourselves on taking our decades of experience and joining forces with others who want to make the world a better place.

Our Approach.

Have you ever heard the saying "The right tool for the job?" We think the right "tool" starts with the right "team" and goes from there. We don't take any project that comes along - we really do want to make a difference. We start by vetting the project and those involved an go from there.

Our Process.

Once we pass the "kumbaya" stage, it's straight to getting organized. This means developing a clear plan, a clear outline, clear expections, clear next steps, clear meeting schedules, and more. We guess some might say we like clarity.

Our Goal.

We want to make the world a better place and be involved with amazing people and amazing projects. It's really quite simple.

Our Mission.

Didn't we say this already? Change the world. Make it better. Make a positive difference to people..

Get In Touch With Us.

You can fill out the form below, but honestly we're not sure it works all that well sometimes. It's better to just e-mail us at info@pgprojects.org

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